Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #5

Greetings to All,

By now you know that we are safely back on campus.  We arrived at 1:00 a.m. Tuesday morning; we are happy to have had the opportunity to go to Arizona.

I am sorry you didn't received any updates after Thursday.  We were busy all day Friday, and Sabbath we left after church to drive to Phoenix.  Once we arrived in Phoenix I did not have Internet access.

Our trip to the Grand Canyon on Friday went very well.  It was a beautiful day and we saw awesome scenery.  When we got back to the Community Center on Friday night we were able to do Vespers with Columbia Adventist Academy (their group came to do work for 3 days).  Allen Fowler shared his testimony during vespers where we learned of his dream where God told him to return to his own people and share our health message and the love of Christ.  It was an inspiring talk.

On Sabbath, we returned to the Community Center and participated in worship services.  Columbia Academy did Sabbath School and we did church.  Mr. Bowers preached the sermon.  Following potluck dinner we took off for Phoenix to avoid the snowstorm coming into the area.  We drove through winds and blowing sand but missed the snow.  We found out later that the storm started on Satuday night and continued through Sunday with over 2 feet of snow falling in the mountains.  They closed 140 miles of the interstate that we drove on so we made a good decision to leave early.

Sunday we took the students to the Arizona Science Center so we could be inside as it rained off and on throughout the day.  Later we visited the home of Doug and Deb Haefner who kindly opened their home for us to hang out in as we ate pizza and watched a movie.  Monday, we ate a late breakfast and then spent time in a couple of shopping centers before heading to the airport.  The flight was on time and so we arrived back on time in Minneapolis.

Thank you for praying for us.  God was definitely with us as we worked and played together.

Please join us if you are free on Friday night, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. as we are going to do the Mission trip report for the students.

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