Monday, March 12, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #2

Good Morning,

We had a wonderful Sabbath yesterday.  After putting on the Sabbath School and Worship services at the Community Center, we headed out to explore the beautiful nature around us.  With Allen Fowler and Seth (the Bible worker) we went hiking into Waterhole Canyon.  We walked on the bottom on it and saw the sandstone formations.  We weaved in and out of the rocks, climbed over some rocks, were lifted up onto others.  Overall we were awestruck at the beauty of this part of Arizona.

We ended the Sabbath at Lake Powell Dam, where we shared Jesus Moments and sang Jesus Loves Me.  A lady heard our singing and requested that we do another, so we sang Amazing Grace and then we talked briefly to this woman.  What a great way to end the Sabbath.

Today, we start the work on the deck and other projects.  Tonight is our first cooking class with Zach and Angelika doing demonstrations.  Please pray for them they will probably be a bit nervous.

Please keep us in your prayers.  It is wonderful to see God working among your kids.

Have a good day.

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