Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #3

Hi All,

We have been busy over the past two days.  Students have built the deck with adult help, of course. They have painted door frames, doors and have helped build metal railing on the wheelchair ramp they made last week.  Joel, Zach, and Angelika learned how to hang doors today.  The center has a small dorcas and Zach, Briggite, Brittany, Angelika and Hannah have been sorting and organizing clothes, books, and kitchen goods.

Trevor has helped Doug Eno put in flooring in a house.  Jenni and Jacob helped with a plumbing project today in a community house with a lot of needs.  Angelika presented a talk on nutrition for the health class and Sylvia and Andrew did the cooking demonstrations.  They did a good job tonight.  We had 8 people attending tonight.

We are doing well overall and enjoying this opportunity to work together.  Our  kids are the best.  The Bible worker commented a couple of times that he can't believe how much work we have done.

Well, I am off to worship.  Have a good evening.

- Linda Vigil

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