Monday, March 12, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #1

Greetings to all!

Happy Sabbath from Dine' Outreach in Page, Arizona.  We arrived safely on Thursday evening after driving through beautiful scenery.  After flying into Phoenix, we drove to Page which took us about 5 hours.  What a variety of terrain and landscape we witnessed; however, I think some of the kids missed it because they were fast asleep.

Today, Friday, we spent the whole day at the Community Center.  Allen Fowler, the director of the Navajo ministry, met with the group today to share his wisdom in working with the natives here. A group of our kids and adults arrived early at the center to pour concrete for a wheelchair ramp and a cement pad to build steps on for the deck we will build next week.

 A group of girls helped me make trail mix which we took out along with the flyers to the health seminar/cooking classes.  We visited approximately 80 homes inviting them to the classes which the kids will do on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  Another group stained woodwork which we will varnish on Sunday and then hopefully by Tuesday we install it in the kitchen and on the door frames.  They did a good job.

There was time today for the kids to explore the beauty of the red mesa that the community center sits on.  Allen and Kelley Fowler have four children and one of them had a great time today showing our students the area.

Sabbath, we will do the Sabbath School and Church service.  Mike Haefner is doing the sermon and the students will do music along with Christine Haefner.  In the afternoon Allen and Seth, the Bible worker, are taking us out to explore Waterhole Falls/Canyon.  The kids are really looking forward to seeing the beauty of this region.

We hope you all have a great Sabbath.

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