Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #5

Greetings to All,

By now you know that we are safely back on campus.  We arrived at 1:00 a.m. Tuesday morning; we are happy to have had the opportunity to go to Arizona.

I am sorry you didn't received any updates after Thursday.  We were busy all day Friday, and Sabbath we left after church to drive to Phoenix.  Once we arrived in Phoenix I did not have Internet access.

Our trip to the Grand Canyon on Friday went very well.  It was a beautiful day and we saw awesome scenery.  When we got back to the Community Center on Friday night we were able to do Vespers with Columbia Adventist Academy (their group came to do work for 3 days).  Allen Fowler shared his testimony during vespers where we learned of his dream where God told him to return to his own people and share our health message and the love of Christ.  It was an inspiring talk.

On Sabbath, we returned to the Community Center and participated in worship services.  Columbia Academy did Sabbath School and we did church.  Mr. Bowers preached the sermon.  Following potluck dinner we took off for Phoenix to avoid the snowstorm coming into the area.  We drove through winds and blowing sand but missed the snow.  We found out later that the storm started on Satuday night and continued through Sunday with over 2 feet of snow falling in the mountains.  They closed 140 miles of the interstate that we drove on so we made a good decision to leave early.

Sunday we took the students to the Arizona Science Center so we could be inside as it rained off and on throughout the day.  Later we visited the home of Doug and Deb Haefner who kindly opened their home for us to hang out in as we ate pizza and watched a movie.  Monday, we ate a late breakfast and then spent time in a couple of shopping centers before heading to the airport.  The flight was on time and so we arrived back on time in Minneapolis.

Thank you for praying for us.  God was definitely with us as we worked and played together.

Please join us if you are free on Friday night, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. as we are going to do the Mission trip report for the students.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update


This was our last day of work at the Community Center.  The kids did well and finished all the projects we had wanted to do.  They did a great job; the adults are so proud of them.  

We have had a change in plans from the itinerary I sent you earlier.  A snow storm is forecast for the Grand Canyon on Sunday, so we decided to go see the Grand Canyon on Friday.  We will come back to Page for Friday night and then have church at the Community Center on Sabbath.  Once we have finished with church and lunch we are headed out to Phoenix before the snow hits we hope.  So Saturday and Sunday night we will stay in Phoenix at Motel 6-  602-277-5501.  We will show the students around Phoenix on Sunday.  We fly home on Monday  as scheduled.  
So that's all for now.  Please keep us in your prayers as we travel over the next couple of days.  Our guys, who drove out, are actually leaving Friday morning to avoid any bad weather in the area.

God is good. We are so glad to have done this trip.  
Linda Vigil
Bible/English Teacher
Maplewood Academy

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Update #3

Hi All,

We have been busy over the past two days.  Students have built the deck with adult help, of course. They have painted door frames, doors and have helped build metal railing on the wheelchair ramp they made last week.  Joel, Zach, and Angelika learned how to hang doors today.  The center has a small dorcas and Zach, Briggite, Brittany, Angelika and Hannah have been sorting and organizing clothes, books, and kitchen goods.

Trevor has helped Doug Eno put in flooring in a house.  Jenni and Jacob helped with a plumbing project today in a community house with a lot of needs.  Angelika presented a talk on nutrition for the health class and Sylvia and Andrew did the cooking demonstrations.  They did a good job tonight.  We had 8 people attending tonight.

We are doing well overall and enjoying this opportunity to work together.  Our  kids are the best.  The Bible worker commented a couple of times that he can't believe how much work we have done.

Well, I am off to worship.  Have a good evening.

- Linda Vigil

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mission Trip 2012 Pictures

The cement truck came early Friday morning, March 9th

Making a handicapped accessible walkway

Mrs Vigil smoothing the cement

Mr Bowers and Hannah Israel doing the same


The luxurious bathroom facility

Getting water

Our kids leading song service for church

Children's Story

Sabbath Afternoon Hike

Making a deck

Andrew Wombacher and Mike Haefner build rails for the new walkway

Angelika Veldhouse and Zach Morrison put on a cooking class

Mrs Vigil, Jenni Vigil and Jacob Guptill getting farther with the deck project

Mission Trip 2012 Update #2

Good Morning,

We had a wonderful Sabbath yesterday.  After putting on the Sabbath School and Worship services at the Community Center, we headed out to explore the beautiful nature around us.  With Allen Fowler and Seth (the Bible worker) we went hiking into Waterhole Canyon.  We walked on the bottom on it and saw the sandstone formations.  We weaved in and out of the rocks, climbed over some rocks, were lifted up onto others.  Overall we were awestruck at the beauty of this part of Arizona.

We ended the Sabbath at Lake Powell Dam, where we shared Jesus Moments and sang Jesus Loves Me.  A lady heard our singing and requested that we do another, so we sang Amazing Grace and then we talked briefly to this woman.  What a great way to end the Sabbath.

Today, we start the work on the deck and other projects.  Tonight is our first cooking class with Zach and Angelika doing demonstrations.  Please pray for them they will probably be a bit nervous.

Please keep us in your prayers.  It is wonderful to see God working among your kids.

Have a good day.

Mission Trip 2012 Update #1

Greetings to all!

Happy Sabbath from Dine' Outreach in Page, Arizona.  We arrived safely on Thursday evening after driving through beautiful scenery.  After flying into Phoenix, we drove to Page which took us about 5 hours.  What a variety of terrain and landscape we witnessed; however, I think some of the kids missed it because they were fast asleep.

Today, Friday, we spent the whole day at the Community Center.  Allen Fowler, the director of the Navajo ministry, met with the group today to share his wisdom in working with the natives here. A group of our kids and adults arrived early at the center to pour concrete for a wheelchair ramp and a cement pad to build steps on for the deck we will build next week.

 A group of girls helped me make trail mix which we took out along with the flyers to the health seminar/cooking classes.  We visited approximately 80 homes inviting them to the classes which the kids will do on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  Another group stained woodwork which we will varnish on Sunday and then hopefully by Tuesday we install it in the kitchen and on the door frames.  They did a good job.

There was time today for the kids to explore the beauty of the red mesa that the community center sits on.  Allen and Kelley Fowler have four children and one of them had a great time today showing our students the area.

Sabbath, we will do the Sabbath School and Church service.  Mike Haefner is doing the sermon and the students will do music along with Christine Haefner.  In the afternoon Allen and Seth, the Bible worker, are taking us out to explore Waterhole Falls/Canyon.  The kids are really looking forward to seeing the beauty of this region.

We hope you all have a great Sabbath.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Meet MWA's New Principal

Maplewood has hired a new principal for the 2012-2013 school year. In November, Marshall Bowers announced that this would be his last year serving as our principal. While looking for a replacement, the MWA Search Committee met and was very impressed with Justin Okimi, and they offered him the job this January. Justin, and his wife Shelli, currently live in Smyrna, Georgia where Justin works as the principal of Atlanta Adventist Academy. Both Justin and Sehlli attended boarding academies and have a heart for the mission of boarding schools. Because Justin has experience with Distance Learning through his work at AAA, he will be able to aid in the integration fot his new technology at Maplewood Academy. Justin has an M.B.A. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and graduated with a B.A. in Math, as well as a B.A. in English from Union College. Besides working as a principal, Justin has also been employed as a corporate trainer and consultant in the Adventist Health System, an assistant camp director, and as an assistant chaplain at Union College. Justin has a passion for Jesus and for our young people. We are excited to have Justin and Shelli on our campus this next year.

Distance Learning at MWA

Sunday, April 10,2011, the Minnesota Conference Constituency met to discuss an innovative plan for broadening the reach of Maplewood Academy and making Seventh-day Adventist education to more students in Minnesota.

Minnesota is facing many of the same challenges that several other conferences in the nation have seen with their academies.  One of our sister schools, Minnetonka Christian Academy, had to close down its high school program at the end of the 2010-2011school year and continue only as an elementary school due to finacial struggles. However, Maplewood is not on the verge of closing.  We do operate on a very conservitve finacial basis and we are grateful for the continued support of alumni and friends.

The Minnesota Conference understands the importance and impact of Seventh-day Adventist education for our young people and decided to research more options for reaching high school students who want an Adventist education and do not have a day academy to attend. A plan is being carefully crafted bassed on the Atlanta Adventist Academy model. This plan will provide distance secondary education to students throughout the Minneapolis- St. Paul metro area using modern technology. In future years, there may be the opportunity to set up more distance learning sites around the state.

Maplewood Academy will still run our boarding school program and, in addition we'll have partner campuses initially throughout the Twin Cities area, and later throughout Minnesota.  Classrooms at Maplewood and on partner campuses will have advanced communications technology that will allow the students and teachers at each site to interact in real-time. All students and teachers can see, hear, and speak to classmates and teachers continuously throughout the class period.  Several times a year, students at all sites will meet together on Maplewood's campus to build spiritual and social community through spiritual, social, and athletic activities, classroom labs, and possibly music and P.E. classes.

This program opens up a wide number of opportunities. Maplewood will have the capability of reaching more students who would not normally be able to attend academy. It creates a learning environment that uses cutting-edge technology, giving students an advantage in preparing for college and futuer careers. The system allows students to attend class and easily make up missed work when they're sick or are away on school-sponsered activities. More programs and subjects offerings can be made available through this system.

Thi is a great opportunity to extend the reach of Maplewood Academy and it has the potential to keep MWA finacially and operationally healthy. Please keep Maplewood Academy in your prayers as decisions and plans continue to develop. If you have any questions about this program, contact Ed Barnett at the Conference Office or Marshall Bowers at Maplewood Academy.

Need New Oven

One of the most used items on Maplewood's campus is the oven.  It has worked hard for us for many years, cooking three meals a day for our entire campus. The double convection oven was purchased used in 1994. Unfortunately, it is no longer working properly and because of it's age, we can not parts for it anymore.  The cost for a new one is $6,500.  This is a huge need on our campus.  If you are interested in helping us fund a new oven, please contact Laura Cummings or Ken Ellstrom, or send a check mraked "New Oven" to Maplewood Academy.

"Medium Rare" Junior Class Play

The Junior Class presents "Medium Rare," a comedy production about a young couple that find a suprise in their newly pruchased home. You'll be rolling with laughter from beginning to end.  You won't want to miss this night of fun. Please come support the Class of 2013 on March 24th at 7:30 pm in the Maplewood Academy Chapel. Prices: Adults- $7, Ages 4 to 14- $4, Ages 3 and younger- Free, Family- $25.