Monday, March 21, 2011

Mission Trip Update #6

Dear Friends,

Well it is Friday afternoon and we are practicing for church service tomorrow.  Our group will do the praise singing, special music, children's story, prayer, and Mr. Bowers will preach the sermon.  There is a group cleaning up the church and other living quarters.

This morning we traveled back to the house with the CEO of the hospital.  He wanted to see what all we had done. Plus we drove the students by the home that the family had lived in and it was quite silent in the bus as the students saw first hand what this family had lived in.  There are definitely many hurting people here.  We heard amazing statistics about the economy in this area.  More than 50% of the people are unemployed, over 2/3 receive government financial assistance each month, and only 10% of the students go on to college.

We met four of the boys and gave them a gift. They were quite shy but it was so nice to see their faces smiling.  We prayed for them as we left.

This is my last email, so once again I thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to do so especially as we start traveling on Sunday morning.

Happy Sabbath from Kentucky!!!
Linda Vigil
Bible/English Teacher
Maplewood Academy

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