Monday, March 21, 2011

Mission Trip Update #5

Dear Friends,

Okay, we are tired.  Our entire group went out to the house we are fixing up for the family with six boys.  The weather was sunny and warml, so we were able to do work outside without any difficulties.  We were asked by the hospital to do work on the outside of the house.  So decks were built, cement poured, windows scraped, painted, and glazed, pond drained, barn foundation shored up, weeds pulled and grass cut all around the yard, and the inside was picked up and cleaned.  So we are tired out, but the kids worked tirelessly.  God has truly blessed us with great young people.

We have taken lots of pictures and will be anxious to see all that we have taken. The kids have a heart for ministering to others.  Four kids told me tonight that they wished they could stay here and continue to help people. 

Tomorrow we hope to meet the boys in the family, but if that doesn't work out we will go to a mission project called Red Bird Mission.  We will also finish up our week of prayer and prepare for the church service on Sabbath.

We head home early on Sunday morning, but will stay at Wisconsin Academy that night and come home to Maplewood on Monday.

Take care and I will try to post again if possible.

Thank you for your prayers.
Linda Vigil
Bible/English Teacher
Maplewood Academy

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