Monday, March 14, 2011

Mission Trip Update #1

Dear Maplewood Friends,

Just a quick note to say that we arrived in Kentucky after 1000 miles of travel and about 18 hours on the bus.  The kids did great on the drive, they were real troopers.  As we traveled further south we ran out of the snow on the ground but when we crossed into Kentucky it started to snow.  Ugh, we thought we had left this white stuff behind.

Today, we received our instructions for the work we will be doing here.  It will be an exciting week as we work on getting a home ready for a family here in Kentucky.  Our job will be to paint the outside of the house, build a deck, and do some yardwork.  We will also be doing some work for the Adventist Hospital as they have maintenance projects for us.  The health vans and school programs will take place next week too.
We met the elementary students at their school today.  They sang some songs with us and then our kids joined them for recess.  Funny how some of our kids commented that it is was hard to play the kid games, something about them growing older and not being able to move as quickly.

The girls are staying in house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, so the accomodations are good.  The guys are in the church basement until Sunday when they will move into the community service center which also has two bathrooms.  So we are warm and cared for.  The hospital cafeteria is feeding us and the kids are happy campers with the food choices.

No one is hurt. The cell phone coverage is good for some but not for others.  We can get internet access in the hospital.

Have a happy Sabbath.  I will contact you later.
Linda Vigil
Bible/English Teacher
Maplewood Academy

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