Monday, March 21, 2011

Mission Trip Update #4

Dear family members,

Well we finished a big day of working on the house and for the hospital.  A group of nine students went out to the house we are getting ready for the family with the six boys.  They built a deck, painted windows, dug holes and trenches, and other jobs they haven't told me about yet. The kids come back excited from their work they did.

Another group stayed and moved boxes and filed medical records for the hospitall maintenance department.  We had been working on this project for three days and in the end we filed over 5600 files and carried 850 boxes.  We are alphabetically challenged after all that filing and have sore hands, arms, legs and back from all that carrying.  I am so proud of our kids, they stuck with the project even when it was no longer fun.

Thursday, we all hope to go out to the house and try to finish the task there.

Our week of prayer has gone well with the elementary students.  They are a great bunch of students from kindergarten to 6th grade.  Each day we sing with them, perform skits, share a message, and do a group activity.  They performed a special music for us as a gift to us.  It was really special.

Thank you for your prayers.  Keep them coming.  We are blessed to be here, so thank you for all you did to allow your child to come with us.

Have a good day.
Linda Vigil
Bible/English Teacher
Maplewood Academy

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