Monday, October 25, 2010

Union Volleyball Tournament!

The Maplewood Academy Huskies volleyball team headed to the Union College tournament on Wednesday. We had a quick pit stop in Omaha at the Dehnings house, who were very gracious hosts. We then spent our morning recruiting at Omaha Memorial Elementary School. Everyone had a great time talking about MWA and playing recess with the students in a way they loved best, volleyball! Once the girls got to Lincoln they had 2 games on Thursday verse Campion and Collegedale and 2 games on Friday against Dakota and Mile High. The ladies didn't necessarily have a winning streak, but for being such a young team this year (only 2 seniors) they did an excellent job keeping up and played very well. Saturday night they played their final match against Sunnydale and proved how well they can really play. All the coaches and parents were very proud. From Maplewood the 1st team award went to Lindsey Parsons, and the 2nd team awards were given to Bailey Dehning and Rachel Lozano.

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