Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Senior Trip to Union for College Days

College Preview Days took place on October 7-10. Twenty-two seniors climbed onto the yellow school at 5:30 am on a frosty Thursday morning. The trip, though only 7 hours, seemed like days. Finally arriving on Union’s campus, everyone jumped off the bus into a whirlwind of activities. Previewers went to various classes to see what college life could be like. Dr. Lynn, head of the voice and choir division, invited students to sing with the Unionaires at their practice time. After lunch, students were taken on a tour of Lincoln. Buses loaded and unloaded at several different locations in the city. One of the stops was at the state capitol building. People were allowed to go to the 14th floor of the building and it was an amazing sight from up there. So many places to see, but it was time for the tour to come to an end. Students were surprised with a meal at “HuHot” one Lincoln’s favorite Mongolian Grills. On Sabbath, students were able to attend the College’s worship services and a potluck at Holmes Lake. That evening, there was laughter and excitement at the bowling alley. Before long, Sunday morning came and students packed their bags and waved a farewell to Lincoln, NE.
- Written by MWA Senior

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