Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Maplewood's First Snowfall!

I woke up this morning, not running late for once, and I headed out of my room and down the hallway, adjusting my backpack. I get to the first floor lobby and look out the window. "Is it raining again?" I asked the desk worker, dread in my voice? "No," she replied, "thats snow." Since we do go to school in Minnesota I shouldn't have been so surprised.  I turned around climbed up the stairs to my room on second floor, dug out my coat and rummaged through my drawers for a pair of gloves. I wasn't so sure how I felt about this. I don't like the idea of buddling up in October. Nevertheless, I went back downstairs and as soon as I stepped outside I got slapped in the face by a huge gust of wind. "Nope. I do not like this," I mumbled under my breath. Hurrying to class I made it on time, Bible 3 is my first class and Mrs. Vigil always takes prayer requests first. One of the guys raised their hands and shouted, "Praise for the snow!" Another of the girls raised her hand and glaring at him said "Pray that snow goes away!"

Of course, since it's only the first little bits of snow, by chemistry class it was all gone (however the wind remains.. brr!) I guess we all must this crazy Minnesota weather.

Written by a Junior

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