Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MWA Valentines

To Anna, Arcelia, and Angie: I would like to say that I love them and would like them to be my valentine! :)~Annie Hanson
To Annie: you’re not as good at shooting rubber bands as me; but keep Practicing! J~Chaffee
To Kevin Schauer, you’re an awesome boss!! :) ~Chaffee
To my favorite valentine, love you sweetie! ~Mrs. Ellstrom
To my favorite prayer buddy, you’re the best! :) Taylor Engel
To my best friend and roommate, BRIGGITTE CHAVES you’re the most amazing person I have ever known!! I love you, Mary! ~ Angelika (Jo JO)

Lindsey in my valentine because she is always there to give me a hug and she is so sweet and kind, I LOVE HER! Allison in my Valentine because she’s so cute and funny! Leah in my Valentine because she is always there for whatever even if you don’t want her to be ILOVE HER! My brother in my Valentine because he always has my back, I love him..most of the time. ~Krista da best
Happy Valentine’s Day to AV, CH, BH, RL, KLW, KL, and we love you all!! Love Briggitte and Karina
Consuela, do I love you. Also I’m happy you didn’t leave. ~Katie
Nick, you’re the best guy I’ve ever met, sweet, kind…but most of all you’re a great friend! I LOVE YOU BABE! Love: RC
Lindsey! You’re the best snowmobiler ever! You really know how to roll one too! ~Jacob
Ms. Cummings I love you and so does the “jaw”! ~Leah N
MY sisters (Kiara and Krista) “Don’t worry about a thing. Cause every little thing is gunna be alright! Don’t forget how much I love you guys! ~ Leah (big sister)
Lindz! We’ve been through so much together and now I am a senior and you’re a junior, those years went by so fast! I love you so much! ~Leah N
Greg: Roses are green and violets are pink, you’re really cool, that’s what I think! ~Anonymous
To Abraham and Marco: My sons! I love you guys so so super much! You both make my day all the time! Hugs, love Lindsey (mom!) 
Lindsey, you’re the best mother I’ve had (besides my real one) and I hope I will see you forever and ever! Love you! ~Abraham
To leah N-What would I do without you!?!? Seriously I’d be a goner! I love you a ton! Thanks for EVERYTHING from Oreo Parties, to all night conversations! And all my other lovers! CH, TG, LG, LN,AD, AG, KF, AS, LC, Happy Valentine’s day and Ms. Cummings: You are for sure the best boss! And I love you! ~Lindz

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