Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MWA Valentines

To Anna, Arcelia, and Angie: I would like to say that I love them and would like them to be my valentine! :)~Annie Hanson
To Annie: you’re not as good at shooting rubber bands as me; but keep Practicing! J~Chaffee
To Kevin Schauer, you’re an awesome boss!! :) ~Chaffee
To my favorite valentine, love you sweetie! ~Mrs. Ellstrom
To my favorite prayer buddy, you’re the best! :) Taylor Engel
To my best friend and roommate, BRIGGITTE CHAVES you’re the most amazing person I have ever known!! I love you, Mary! ~ Angelika (Jo JO)

Lindsey in my valentine because she is always there to give me a hug and she is so sweet and kind, I LOVE HER! Allison in my Valentine because she’s so cute and funny! Leah in my Valentine because she is always there for whatever even if you don’t want her to be ILOVE HER! My brother in my Valentine because he always has my back, I love him..most of the time. ~Krista da best
Happy Valentine’s Day to AV, CH, BH, RL, KLW, KL, and we love you all!! Love Briggitte and Karina
Consuela, do I love you. Also I’m happy you didn’t leave. ~Katie
Nick, you’re the best guy I’ve ever met, sweet, kind…but most of all you’re a great friend! I LOVE YOU BABE! Love: RC
Lindsey! You’re the best snowmobiler ever! You really know how to roll one too! ~Jacob
Ms. Cummings I love you and so does the “jaw”! ~Leah N
MY sisters (Kiara and Krista) “Don’t worry about a thing. Cause every little thing is gunna be alright! Don’t forget how much I love you guys! ~ Leah (big sister)
Lindz! We’ve been through so much together and now I am a senior and you’re a junior, those years went by so fast! I love you so much! ~Leah N
Greg: Roses are green and violets are pink, you’re really cool, that’s what I think! ~Anonymous
To Abraham and Marco: My sons! I love you guys so so super much! You both make my day all the time! Hugs, love Lindsey (mom!) 
Lindsey, you’re the best mother I’ve had (besides my real one) and I hope I will see you forever and ever! Love you! ~Abraham
To leah N-What would I do without you!?!? Seriously I’d be a goner! I love you a ton! Thanks for EVERYTHING from Oreo Parties, to all night conversations! And all my other lovers! CH, TG, LG, LN,AD, AG, KF, AS, LC, Happy Valentine’s day and Ms. Cummings: You are for sure the best boss! And I love you! ~Lindz

Week of Prayer-Eric Learned

For Church service Eric reminded us how we can’t do anything on our own and that we must rely on God for everything. He shoved us examples of this though the lives of multiple Bible characters.

Week of Prayer-Elissa Figgins

After the sun set on Friday night, bringing the Sabbath, we gathered in the cafeteria for an Agape Feast. Elissa Figgins started off the open microphone sharing time with her life testimony. With our feet were washed and our hearts lifted we headed back for a restful Sabbath.

Week of Prayer- Samuel Bustamante

Samuel, demonstrated through a skit about how Samuel was faithful to God and how we should rely on Him.

Week of Prayer-Arcelia Gomez

Thursday night of Student Week of Prayer, Senior Arcelia Gomez spoke on Jeremiah and his solemnly depressed life but how his faith in the Lord served as a great example to Christian followers who were answering the call of the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11
John 8:32, 44-47

Week of Prayer-Nicolas Morrison

Nicolas spoke about Joseph and David, contrasting their sins and how they dealt with temptations.  He showed us how we should deal with our own temptations.  Even the people who seem the most focused on God are tempted but what matters is how they react to them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week of Prayer- Hannnah Jaster

Hannah Jaster spoke on Wednesday night of Maplewood's student Week of Prayer. Hannah expressed the importance of watching what we say. She explained the meaning of taking the name of God in vain and encouraged us to honor God both by what we say and how we live.

Week of Prayer- River Renk

River Renk, our Wednesday morning Week of Prayer speaker, shared with us the story of Esther and her incredible courage. Esther gave-up everything that she had and risked her life for the Lord. We as followers of Christ need to use Esther as an example. We also go to hear about River's many personal experiences and how she has grown spiritually.

Week of Prayer- Colin King

Colin spoke for us Tuesday Evening. He spoke to us about the importance of discipleship, our roles and duties to be disciples for Christ. He explained Maplewood's impact on his spiritual life. How it has helped him witht hings from his friends and activities, to his opportunity to be a disciple and witness for Christ.

Week of Prayer-Kiara Lee-Waye

Tuesday morning of MWA’s Student Week of Prayer, Kiara Lee-Waye shared with us the story of Noah.  When God called Noah, Noah was scared and ran away.  Kiara pointed out that even when we are scared or want to run away from the things going on in our life, God is there waiting for us to take his hand and trust Him.  He’ll help us stand up against our fears.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week of Prayer-Anna Deckert

For the second meeting of Week of Prayer, a senior, Anna Deckert, spook about the changes Mary Magdelene went through in her life and how when you’re the furthest from God is when you realize you need Him the most!  Mary had demons, but she was washed clean of her sins by Jesus, we can be clean too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week of Prayer - Jared Glendrange

Jared kicked off this student Week of Prayer with a great talk about Samson. He shared his testimony with us and giving examples through his testimony on how God would not give up on him no matter how far he was away from Him, God still wanted him. With God, all things are possible. Like the story of Samson, God will give us strength.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Student Week of Prayer Speaking Schedule

Date, Time, Location, Speaker
1. Monday morning, Jan. 17, 11:15 am, Chapel                                
    Jared Glendrange
2. Monday evening, Jan. 17, 7:45 pm, Church                                  
    Anna Deckert
3. Tuesday morning, Jan. 18, 11:15 am, Chapel                                
    Kiara Lee-Waye
4. Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, 7:45 pm, Church                                  
    Colin King
5. Wednesday morning, Jan. 19, 11:15 am, Chapel                           
    River Renk
6. Wednesday evening, Jan. 19, 7:45 pm, Church                             
    Hannah Jaster
7. Thursday morning, Jan. 20, 11:15 am, Chapel                              
    Nicholas Morrison
8. Thursday evening, Jan. 20, 7:45 pm, Church                                 
    Arcelia Gomez
9. Friday morning, Jan. 21, 11:15 am, Chapel                                   
    Samuel Bustamante
10. Friday evening, Jan. 21, 7:30 pm, Agape Feast, Communion       
      Elissa Figgins and others
11. Sabbath Sermon, Jan. 22, 11:00 am, Church                              
      Eric Learned

Food Distribution

On January 10, 2011, several students went out to help with the MAC-NAPS program. MAC-NAPS means, "Mother and Children Program" and "Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors." Our students mainly just work on the Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors. It happens every second Monday of the month. Students enjoy helping these people by delivering food to their door-step and are glad to be able to do this ministry for them.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Operation Global Rain

Every night at 7:00 pm from January 5-15, our students will be gathering together for prayer as a part of Operation Global Rain.  This program comes out of the General Conference and is a ten-day worldwide prayer for revival and reformation.  Each night our students and fellow Christians around the world are praying for specific topics such as a forgiving spirit, victory in sin in our lives, a deep devotional life and for a boldness to act for Jesus Christ.  Imagine thousands of churches and schools in every conference, union, and division praying at the same time for the same thing.  This is a great way to lead the way for next week's Student Week of Prayer!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 New Year Resolutions

These are some of Maplewood's New Year's Resolutions:
"To get closer to Jesus." - Jervon Niska, Junior
"To give all my troubles and cares to God." - Senior
"To get to class on time." - Karla Lucar, Junior
"To become better at basketball." - Zach Morrison, Junior
"To not have detention and complete all homework." - Jamesa Smith, Freshman
"To have no homework." - Greg Learned, Freshman
"To grow 2 inches." - Tessa Garmaker, Junior
"To think more." - Mr. Christiansen
"My resolution is not to make any resolutions so I don't have to worry about keeping it!" - Mrs. Ellstrom
"To make Ms. Cummings day every day!" - Angie Schebo, Senior
"To oil paint." - Arcelia Gomez, Senior
"To not get as old as Ms. Ketchum." - Swanee

Senior Benefit

Just a quick reminder letting you know that the Senior Benefit will be taking place on January 29, 2011. Hope to see you there!