Monday, December 6, 2010

Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center

Maplewood Academy kept the tradition this year as a collection site for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoe boxes. OCC is a project put together through Samaritan's Purse that brings Christmas gifts to underprivelged children around the world. Churches, clubs, and families all throuout Hutchinson and surrounding communities brought shoebox gifts to Maplewood campus. By the end of the collection week Maplewood received almost 14,00 gifts! The National Honors Society students helped pack the gifts into shipping cartons to be taken to the OCC Distribution Center in Bloomington, MN.

 On December 1st, all of the students of Maplewood Academy travelled to the OCC Distribution Center. here the students spent three hours inspecting, labeling, and packaging the shoebox gifts. There were lots of laughs as the students and friends worked together. It wasn't hard to tell that something was cute in a box because you could hear the echoes of "aww!" coming from inspectors throught the warehouse. The students were glad to get the time off from school and to know that they brought joy to many children in need.
Written by: Lydia Pongo, Senior National Honor Society Member at Maplewood Academy


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