New Maplewood Sweatshirts, T-Shirts and Sweatpants! For a limited time only!
How to order:
Visit and click the link on the home page to see the clothing store. Make your purchases online by Jan. 3rd and have your orders delivered to your home or to Maplewood Academy. The online store closes on Jan. 3rd, so all orders need to be placed before that date! Questions? Contact Ms. Cummings!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Concert
December 18th is Maplewood's Chirstmas Concert which will be featuring all of Maplewood's music groups; Choir, Choiraliers, Northwinds and Band. Musical numbers will include, "Breath of Heaven" and "Silent Night." The program will begin at 4:00 p.m. in the Hutchinson SDA church. You are also welcome to come and enjoy a special Friday night Vespers put on by Northwoods Elementary. This will be held tomorrow night the 17th and will be starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Hutchinson church also. Please come and join us in a blessed concert and vespers!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Senior Benefit POSTPONED!
We are very sorry to say that the Maplewood Academy seniors have to postpone their senior benefit due to the unfortunate weather situations. It will be rescheduled of course! We just have to wait in anticipation a little bit longer for their show! We will let everyone know as soon as we can! sorry for the inconvience! Everyone stay safe in this snow however!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center
Maplewood Academy kept the tradition this year as a collection site for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoe boxes. OCC is a project put together through Samaritan's Purse that brings Christmas gifts to underprivelged children around the world. Churches, clubs, and families all throuout Hutchinson and surrounding communities brought shoebox gifts to Maplewood campus. By the end of the collection week Maplewood received almost 14,00 gifts! The National Honors Society students helped pack the gifts into shipping cartons to be taken to the OCC Distribution Center in Bloomington, MN.
On December 1st, all of the students of Maplewood Academy travelled to the OCC Distribution Center. here the students spent three hours inspecting, labeling, and packaging the shoebox gifts. There were lots of laughs as the students and friends worked together. It wasn't hard to tell that something was cute in a box because you could hear the echoes of "aww!" coming from inspectors throught the warehouse. The students were glad to get the time off from school and to know that they brought joy to many children in need.
Written by: Lydia Pongo, Senior National Honor Society Member at Maplewood Academy
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children
Saturday afternoon, November 20th, MWA students and sponsors traveled to "Feed My Starving Children" food packing facility in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization that works to put together specially formulated meals for starving children in nearly 70 countries around the world. Our students volunteered their time to pack 11,880 meals for starving children in Haiti. That’s enough to feed 33 children for one year! Our students also helped label thousands of food bags for future volunteer groups to use. Our students worked hard and felt rewarded for the work that was being done for others in need.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Fall Festival
Monday, November 8, 2010
MWA Boundary Waters Trip
MWA Boundary Waters Trip
A couple years ago, Maplewood started an Outdoor Education Class. This last year was the first year the class took a trip to the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. There were four students who went on the trip this last August. Students learned how to set up camp, canoe, start a fire, prepare meals, and plan day trips. This next semester, the Outdoor Education Class will be offered to the girls and a trip will be planned to the Boundary Waters next August.
Letters to Soldiers
This last week our Campus Ministries team wrote notes of apprecation for soldiers in Iraq. Also, on Sabbath, our students brought cookies and bread to businesses in Hutchinson for Business Appreciation Day.
Last Friday, students were honored in chapel for making onto the Honor Roll!
Congratulations to Briggitte Chavez, Kelsey Ellstrom, Sarah Emerson, Matt Froemming, Brittany Houchins, Hannah Jaster, Trevor Kaldahl, Thane Leach, Karla Lucar, and Jervon Niska for making Highest Honors. They were each given a $5 gift certificate to Dairy Queen.
Congratulations to Maryanne Birai, Andrew Broll, Jesse Evert, Krista Froemming, Loany Garrido, Jacob Guptill, Consuela Hounsounou, Hannah Isreal, Charles Kimaiga, Kiara Lee-Waye, Leasha Locati, Allison McCarthy, Alicia Mills, Katie Morrison, Nic Morrison, Zach Morrison, Leah Nyirashishi, Austin Parsons, Melissa Ratter, Liz Romuald, Angie Schebo, Sylvia Smith, Max Tasche, Angelika Veldhouse, Jenni Vigil, and Corey Wallyn for making High Honors. They were each given a $5 gift certificate to Dairy Queen.
Congratulations to Josh Anderson, Nick Beach, Jolene Clayburn, Bailey Dehning, Mitch Dockham, Elissa Figgins, Tessa Garmaker, Baron Juhl, Jordan Kaldahl, Eric Learned, Greg Learned, Karina Lee-Waye, Johnny Mena, Lindsay Parsons, Heather Porter, River Renk and Landyn Thom for making Honors. They were each given a box of candy.
Keep up the great work guys! We are proud of you!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Can Collecting
Last night was rather chilly here in Hutchinson, but students didn't mind! They bundled up in their wintery wear and headed out to collect canned food. In groups of two's or three's, the students, with a faculty member, went door-to-door asking for cans to give to the food shelf or to make thanksgiving baskets for social services. It was quite a success. Between all the students they collected 1,611 pounds of food! Despite the cold, wintery weather, students and teachers alike enjoyed the evening. Some made rhymes when requesting the canned food, others sang songs, or simply introduced themselves politely. Either way, students came back smiling with a story to tell.
Written by a Junior at Maplewood Academy
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Maplewood's First Snowfall!
I woke up this morning, not running late for once, and I headed out of my room and down the hallway, adjusting my backpack. I get to the first floor lobby and look out the window. "Is it raining again?" I asked the desk worker, dread in my voice? "No," she replied, "thats snow." Since we do go to school in Minnesota I shouldn't have been so surprised. I turned around climbed up the stairs to my room on second floor, dug out my coat and rummaged through my drawers for a pair of gloves. I wasn't so sure how I felt about this. I don't like the idea of buddling up in October. Nevertheless, I went back downstairs and as soon as I stepped outside I got slapped in the face by a huge gust of wind. "Nope. I do not like this," I mumbled under my breath. Hurrying to class I made it on time, Bible 3 is my first class and Mrs. Vigil always takes prayer requests first. One of the guys raised their hands and shouted, "Praise for the snow!" Another of the girls raised her hand and glaring at him said "Pray that snow goes away!"
Of course, since it's only the first little bits of snow, by chemistry class it was all gone (however the wind remains.. brr!) I guess we all must this crazy Minnesota weather.
Written by a Junior
Of course, since it's only the first little bits of snow, by chemistry class it was all gone (however the wind remains.. brr!) I guess we all must this crazy Minnesota weather.
Written by a Junior
Senior Trip to Union for College Days
College Preview Days took place on October 7-10. Twenty-two seniors climbed onto the yellow school at 5:30 am on a frosty Thursday morning. The trip, though only 7 hours, seemed like days. Finally arriving on Union’s campus, everyone jumped off the bus into a whirlwind of activities. Previewers went to various classes to see what college life could be like. Dr. Lynn, head of the voice and choir division, invited students to sing with the Unionaires at their practice time. After lunch, students were taken on a tour of Lincoln. Buses loaded and unloaded at several different locations in the city. One of the stops was at the state capitol building. People were allowed to go to the 14th floor of the building and it was an amazing sight from up there. So many places to see, but it was time for the tour to come to an end. Students were surprised with a meal at “HuHot” one Lincoln’s favorite Mongolian Grills. On Sabbath, students were able to attend the College’s worship services and a potluck at Holmes Lake. That evening, there was laughter and excitement at the bowling alley. Before long, Sunday morning came and students packed their bags and waved a farewell to Lincoln, NE.
- Written by MWA Senior
Monday, October 25, 2010
Union Volleyball Tournament!
The Maplewood Academy Huskies volleyball team headed to the Union College tournament on Wednesday. We had a quick pit stop in Omaha at the Dehnings house, who were very gracious hosts. We then spent our morning recruiting at Omaha Memorial Elementary School. Everyone had a great time talking about MWA and playing recess with the students in a way they loved best, volleyball! Once the girls got to Lincoln they had 2 games on Thursday verse Campion and Collegedale and 2 games on Friday against Dakota and Mile High. The ladies didn't necessarily have a winning streak, but for being such a young team this year (only 2 seniors) they did an excellent job keeping up and played very well. Saturday night they played their final match against Sunnydale and proved how well they can really play. All the coaches and parents were very proud. From Maplewood the 1st team award went to Lindsey Parsons, and the 2nd team awards were given to Bailey Dehning and Rachel Lozano.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bruce and Dorothy Hayword
The Hutchinson Church is currently hosting a seminar by Bruce and Dorothy Hayword from Berrien Springs, Michigan. Maplewood Academy students were invited to attend the seminar entitled, "God's Heart Call to Inner Peace." We appreciate the chance to be a part of this special event.
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