Thursday, February 2, 2012

Maplewood Valentine Messages

"Thanks to Merlyn for fixing everything I break and letting me into my house when I lock myself out.  And thanks to Swanee, an awesome co-ASB sponsor.  Happy Valentines Day!" - Ms. Ketchum

"Jessica E., our whataburger group is awesome possum! :)  Love you.  Happy Valentines Day." - Casey M.

"Casey, I love our whataburger group and I love you!  Happy Valentines Day baby..." - Jessica E.

"Collins, You're my 'best friend' forever!  I love you .  Happy Valentines Day." - Jessica E.

"Happy Valentines Day to Anes, Erkel, Louy, Wendy Woo, Jelika, Counsuelers, all my African freshman plus Dru and Jonathan and all my other MWA besties!  Love you guys! :)"

"Hey Anesia :)  Hope you have an amazing Valentines Day.  You're an amazing girl who deserves an amazing day.  I love you.  Thanks for being the best girl ever. XOXO.  Happy Valentines Day." - Josh O.

"Brittany, you are the most wonderful girl in the world.  I am so lucky to have you.  XOXO." - Caleb N.

"I love you Jesse, Allison, Bailey and others.  I don't know what I would do without you.  Happy Valentines Day!" - MaryAnne B.

"Dear Dad, It's your birthday! Wanna wish you the best, dad (Pastor Bustamante).  I love you man, and thank you for climbing the highest mountains, and swimming to the bottom of the ocean just for me.  Love you Dad!" - Samuel B.

"Dear God, Thanks for being the best father ever! I love you! Happy Valentines Day!" - Yande Musonda

"Dear Jessica, Ima be simple.  I love you more than I love my xbox and thats worth something.  Glad you gave me the chance to be your man even though the lil boys in your class try to take my spot.  It'll never happen.  I love you." - your boy Collins

"Happy Valentines Day to my wonderful student workers. Your smiles and upbeat attitudes keep me going when I’m stressed. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thanks for all you do! Love you!" - Ms. Cummings

1st Semester Honor Roll

Highest Honors = 4.0
Jacob Guptill
Brittany Houchins
Hannah Israel
Katie Morrison

High Honors = 3.67 to 3.99
Consuela Abotsi
Chandler Ashton
Mary Anne Birai
Britggitte Chavez
Jolene Clayburn
Jessica Erkel
Lydia Fleming
Krista Froemming
Trevor Kaldahl
Charles Kimaiga
Colin King
Thane Leach
Karina Lee-Waye
Allison McCarthy
Morgan Mecklenburg
Zach Morrison
Jervon Niska
Joshua Osvold
Austin Parsons
Lindsey Parsons
Melissa Ratter
Tanner Toay
Chris Turner
Jenni Vigil

Honors = 3.33 - 3.66
Collins Aututi
Ariana Burnett
Elizabeth Daniels
Jesse Evert
Matt Froemming
Cesar Garcia
Loany Garrido
Becky Israel
Greg Learned
Kiara Lee-Waye
Karla Lucar
Nic Morrison
Caleb Nixon
Jonathan Osvold
Dylan Parsons
Heather Porter
Sylvia Smith
Marc Valleramos
Angelika Veldhouse